
Bedouins in the South

August 27, 2024

The Nova music party site and the kibbutzim on the Gaza border, where 1,200 Israeli citizens were massacred on Oct 7, 2023, are a part of a patchwork of villages that include many Bedouin localities. Despite the fact that the Bedouin are Muslim and discriminated against, on that day, all were human beings. A number of Bedouin risked their lives to in dramatic attempts to save young party-goers and kibbutz members, Here are some of their stories:

Ismail Alkrenawi from the Bedouin town of Rahat, was a dining room manager in Kibbutz Beeri. He and his family emerged as heroes that morning. Ismail’s cousin Hisham and Aya Meydan, a kibbutz member who had gone for her morning bike ride, were trapped in the crossfire as they attempted to flee the rocket fire and terrorist attacks. Ismail, along with his brother Mahmoud and cousins, responded with incredible bravery, risking their lives to reach and rescue Aya and Hisham. Despite the immense danger, including coming under fire, Isamail and his relatives managed to navigate through the chaos, helping to evacuate not only Hisham and Aya but also several other people who were fleeing. Their actions were driven by a profound sense of moral duty and a refusal to abandon those in need, even at the risk of their own lives. Ismail’s group ensured that everyone reached safety, even as they faced suspicious and Israeli soldiers who initially mistook them for terrorists, until Aya got out of the car and begged them not to shoot. Their courageous decision to prioritize saving lives over their own safety marks the Alkrenawi family as a remarkable team in a moment of profound crisis.

Youssef Ziadna
Youssef Ziadna

Youssef Ziadna, a Bedouin minibus driver from Rahat, displayed extraordinary courage and humanity during the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023. That morning, Youssef had driven a group of young Jewish partygoers to the Nova music festival near the Gaza border. As the situation rapidly deteriorated with rockets flying overhead and reports of a massacre underway, Youssef received desperate calls from the young people he had transported, pleading for his help. Without hesitation, Youssef got back into his minibus and drove towards the chaos. Upon arrival, his vehicle came under fire, forcing him to take cover by the side of the road. Despite the ongoing gunfire, Youssef managed to get back into his minibus and began loading the terrified and injured partygoers into the vehicle. In total, he saved some 30 people, including some who were wounded. His knowledge of the local terrain allowed him to navigate through fields and avoid further danger, guiding others to safety as they followed his lead. However, Youssef’s heroic actions were met with mixed reactions; while some praised him, others condemned him for helping Jews, revealing the complex and fraught realities of his life. Traumatized by the experience, Youssef has struggled with the aftermath, facing psychological distress and sleepless nights. Despite this, he remains resolute, grateful for his survival and proud of the lives he saved, even as he mourns the personal losses inflicted by the ongoing conflict.

 No one should ever have to see what I saw

Jamel Veraki, a dedicated Search and Rescue volunteer, found himself one of the first responders to the massacre at the Nova party during the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023. As the situation at the party deteriorated into chaos and carnage, Jamel’s immediate instinct was to help those trapped in the danger zone. Under intense fire and at great personal risk, Jamel moved swiftly into the heart of the crisis, where he was instrumental in rescuing approximately 100 partygoers who were caught in the deadly attack. His actions went far beyond the call of duty, reflecting a deep-seated commitment to saving lives, regardless of the dangers involved. Jamel’s efforts were not only vital in reducing the number of casualties but also in providing a semblance of hope and humanity in the midst of unimaginable horror. His work during this time highlighted the critical role that volunteers and first responders play in crisis situations, where every second counts. Jamel’s bravery and selflessness under fire serve as a powerful reminder of the impact that one individual can have, even in the most dire of circumstances.

This is my mission and I didn’t think for a moment

Amer Abu Sabila, a 25-year-old Bedouin from the village of Abu Talul, demonstrated immense courage during the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, in Sderot, Israel. Amer, who was married and the father of two young children, happened to be in Sderot when the attack began. Despite the imminent danger and his father’s pleas for him to leave the area, Amer chose to stay and assist those in need. His focus turned to Odia Suisa and her two daughters, aged three and six, who were struggling to escape the violence. Amer, who could have easily fled to safety, instead volunteered to guide the mother and her children out of the danger zone. Tragically, their journey was cut short when they were ambushed by Hamas terrorists near a police station in Sderot. Both Amer and Odia were killed in the attack, leaving behind a grieving family and a community in shock. Amer’s actions on that day were a testament to his selflessness and bravery; he chose to put the safety of others above his own, even in the face of overwhelming danger. His sacrifice is a poignant reminder of the human cost of the conflict and the profound acts of heroism that can emerge even in the darkest of times. Amer’s legacy lives on in the memories of those he tried to save and in the hearts of his family, who mourn the loss of a loving father and husband who gave his life trying to protect others.

Amer Abu Sabila z"l
Amer Abu Sabila z”l

 Dr. Tarek Abu Arar, a resident of Arara and a dedicated Search and Rescue volunteer, faced a harrowing ordeal during the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023. On his way to his shift at Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, where he worked as a healthcare professional, Dr. Abu Arar encountered a man lying by the side of the road who appeared to need help. Driven by his lifelong commitment to saving others, Dr. Tarek stopped to assist, only to discover that the man was a Hamas terrorist in disguise. The terrorist shot Dr. Tarek in the chest, critically wounding him before using him as a human shield. For two agonizing hours, Dr. Abu Arar was held hostage, tied to the central pillar of an intersection while the terrorists continued their rampage, killing anyone who approached. During this time, Dr. Abu Arar was forced to witness the brutality of the attackers without being able to intervene. His ordeal finally ended when force arrived, eliminating the terrorists and rescuing him. Despite his severe injuries, Dr. Tarek Abu Arar survived, a testament to his resilience and strength. His life and career, dedicated to the preservation of life, stand in stark contrast to the violence he was subjected to, highlighting the stark moral divisions in this conflict.

Hamid Abu Ar’ar’s experience during the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack is a heartbreaking tale of loss and heroism. Hamid, a devoted father, and husband, was traveling with his wife Fatma and their eight-month-old son when they were suddenly ambushed by Hamas motorcyclists. In the violent assault, Fatma was tragically killed, leaving Hamid to protect their infant son amidst the chaos. With extraordinary presence of mind, Hamid took his son and sought refuge in a nearby electical cabinet, a small space that provided temporary safety from the attackers. As he hid, the situation grew even more perilous when Hamas terrorists used the same cabinet to set up an ambush for approaching Israeli soldiers. In a moment of remarkable bravery and quick thinking, Hamid decided to take a dangerous risk. He removed his shirt and, holding his son, emerged from hiding to warn the soldiers of the trap, potentially saving their lives. His courageous act of exposing himself to the terrorists in order to prevent further bloodshed reflects an incredible level of bravery and self-sacrifice. Despite the trauma and unimaginable grief of losing his wife, Hamid’s actions during those critical moments were instrumental in protecting others from harm. His story is a powerful example of the human capacity for bravery and altruism, even in the face of devastating personal loss.

Our Islam is the opposite of what the terrorists have done

Why these Bedouin were chosen to be honored in the Garden of Rescuers: Each of these is a testament to our common humanity, despite the fact that some live in places without shelter or help from the government. They inspire us not only to save others in crisis, but to work for bettering the conditions of our neighbors on a day-to-day basis.


rescuers' stories

Bedouins in the South

A Bedouin driver, dining room manager, doctor and search and rescue volunteers saved many others on Oct 7

six outlawed organizations
Six Human Rights Organizatons

Working in the face of a ban, 2023

from the ceremony

Living together, 2022

Atefa Ghafoory

Afghani journalist, 2022

Boaz Kita'in hold the award honoring Issa Kurdia
Issa Kurdia

Saving Jews in Hebron (1929), 2020

Bella Freund
Bella Freund

whoever saves one life...,2020

Award to Latrun Abbey
Latrun Abbey

Latrun Abbey, offering refuge, 2020

Sister Aziza
Azezet Habtezghi Kidane

Azezet Habtezghi Kidane, (Sister Aziza), helping refugees, 2019

Dr. Fessaha
Dr. Alganesc Fesseha

Freeing refugees from captivity, 2018

old city, Hebron
Palestinians who saved Jews in Hebron in 1929

risking their lives to save their neighbors, 2018

Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour

Saving Armenians and Jews, special award, 2017