Bella Freund

Bella Freund

August 12, 2024

Bella Freund believed that any life is worth saving, no matter whose, and she put her own safety on the line in defense of that belief.

On May 13, 1992, during a period of intense violence and tension between Israelis and Palestinians, an extraordinary act of courage and moral conviction unfolded in the heart of Jerusalem. Bella Freund, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman, found herself at the center of a dramatic and deeply complex event that would later bring her both acclaim and criticism.

That day, Adnan al-Afandi, a 21-year-old Palestinian from the Dheisheh refugee camp, carried out a stabbing attack near the Mahane Yehuda market, a bustling area in Jerusalem. Al-Afandi attacked two Jewish teenagers, injuring them severely before fleeing the scene. As word of the attack spread, a crowd quickly formed and began to pursue al-Afandi, intent on capturing and lynching him. The atmosphere was charged with anger, fear, and a desire for retribution.

Amid this chaos, Bella Freund was passing through the area with her two young daughters. Bella, who was known in her community for her deep religious faith and commitment to Jewish moral teachings, suddenly found herself in a situation that would test those very beliefs. Spotting al-Afandi on the ground, Bella realized that although he had committed a violent act, he was now defenseless and at the mercy of a mob. The young man, barely older than her daughters, lay on the ground, bloodied and beaten, with a crowd rapidly closing in on him.

Without hesitation, Bella made a decision that would later be both praised and condemned. She left her daughters’ side and forced her way through the angry crowd to reach al-Afandi. Despite the risk to her own safety, she positioned herself over him, using her body as a shield to protect him from the enraged mob. For 27 agonizing minutes, Bella remained in place, enduring a barrage of kicks, punches, curses, and spit from the furious crowd. She was repeatedly urged to step aside, to let justice—or what the mob considered justice—take its course, but she refused to move.

Bella’s actions were guided by her deep commitment to Jewish moral law; for Bella, this principle was not merely a religious saying; it was a commandment that transcended the circumstances, demanding that she act to preserve life, even that of someone who had just committed a heinous act. She believed that taking a life in revenge, especially when the person was no longer a threat, was a violation of the sanctity of life that her faith so deeply revered.

Whoever saves one life, it is as if they have saved the entire world

Eventually, the police arrived and took al-Afandi into custody, saving him from the mob and arresting him for his crime. Bella, however, did not escape unscathed. She was badly injured in the incident, with physical wounds that would leave lasting scars. But the emotional and social repercussions were perhaps even more profound.

Bella’s actions sparked a fierce debate across Israeli society and within her own ultra-Orthodox community. Some hailed her as a hero, a woman of extraordinary moral courage who upheld the highest values of her faith. They saw in her actions a reflection of the Jewish teaching that even in the face of violence and hatred, life must be protected.

Despite the controversy, Bella Freund stood by her actions. She later explained that her decision was guided by her understanding of Jewish law and ethics, which prioritize the sanctity of life above all else. She knew that her actions might not be popular, but she believed that doing what was right was more important than seeking approval or avoiding criticism.

Why Bella Freund was chosen to be honored in the Garden of Rescuers: Bella Freund’s story is a powerful reminder of the complexities of moral decision-making in times of conflict. It highlights the courage it takes to stand up for one’s beliefs, even when doing so may lead to personal harm or social ostracism. In the years since, her act of bravery has continued to inspire those who believe in the power of individual conscience and the enduring importance of compassion, even in the face of overwhelming hostility.


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