International REscuers

first rescuers award

honoring those who save lives

In times of disaster, war and human rights catastrophes, there are those who take action to save the lives of others. The others may be people they have just met, neighbors of a different religion, refugees or those suffering repression. 

With the Garden of Rescuers and the International Day of the Righteous ceremony, we honor those who risk their lives for others, who save them from certain death, torture or oppression. Every name etched into the signs hung around the Garden represents one such rescue effort.

Their stories inspire us and remind us that one individual, one organization, one village can make an immense difference when it comes to the lives of others. 

In 2023, we undertook a new projcet to commenorate those honored in the Garden, to ensure their stories are recorded, that they remain an inspiration for future generations. With this project, visitors to the Garden can read all about the rescuers with a simple scan of the signs hung around the garden. 

The rescuers award ceremony

In 2015, the first event "Honoring the Righteous" took place in the WASNS museum to highlight the important role of the righteous and the rescuers, who act during situations of humanitarian disasters, ethnic cleansing or genocide.

The next year we decided to found a living, green tribute to these rescuers. In 2017 in cooperation with the Gariwo Foundation we established the Garden of Rescuers near the Spiritual Center.

On March 7, 2016, we marked there a first memorial event. Since then every year we hold the Annual Rescuers Award Ceremony and add new names to the rescuers list.

On the following pages you will find the unforgettable stories of those we honor. 

rescuers ceremony 2023

Learn About those We Honor

the catrambones
Regina and Christopher Catrambone

Saving migrants in at sea, 2017

Regina and Christopher Catrambone, a husband-and-wife team, are the founders of the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), an organization dedicated to saving

Mohamed Naceur (Hamadi) ben Abdesslem
Mohamed Naceur (Hamadi) ben Abdesslem

Tunisian tour guide who save Italian tourists, 2017

Mohamed Naceur (Hamadi) ben Abdesslem, a Tunisian tour guide, became a symbol of bravery during the 2015 Bardo Museum terrorist attack in

Circassian dancers at the Rescuers ceremony
Circassian Villagers

It took a village to save youth from the Nazis, 2016

In the height of World War II, as the German army besieged Leningrad, a group of Jewish children, aged 13 to 14,