Teachers’ Retreat in Cyprus

February 9, 2025

The primay school teachers’ retreat has become a tradition – one that brings new energy and new ideas to the school each year and that cements the teamwork that is so crucial to maintaining the excellent education and social upbringing our children receive.

This year, the retreat took place in Cyprus. While taking place on neutral ground, the new venue gave the teachers and staff an opportunity to learn about a different conflict – that between Turkey and Greece, and to hear about how a peaceful resolution was finally achieved.

Workshop on language

This not only gave the teachers hope that a resolution will be achieved in our neighboring region, it was a reminder that it will take hard work to bring about any sort of peace, and thus their educational efforts are critical to creating a peaceful future.

They met with their Cypriot counterparts, and then toured both sides of the city Nicosia, hearing from their various guides about both sides of the conflict.

Over the three-day retreat, the group found time to work on the WASNS school activities. Language was an important part of the retreat, and they met with a Turkish-Cypriot researcher to talk about learning to speak the language of the other.
Neama Abo Delu, school principal, said: “There were a great many shared moments. There were especially enjoyable and special moments during this unique retreat.”

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